ITC Services offers support and maintenance packages for Odoo ERP, tailored for businesses of different sizes

Localización Nicaragua




It is recommended for

Companies with 1-5 users 6-20 users 20+ users
Level of customization ​​​​
Included hours package per year  10   hours 25    hours 50    hours
General features
New Developments / Customizations 

Ticket Management through Customer Portal
Customer Support via WhatsApp, Email and Videoconferencing 
Access to Help Forum
Access to Help Tutorials
Private List of Video Tutorials Tailored to Your Business  
Technical Support and Software Maintenance 
Account-Related Assistance, Licensing, Subscription, and Billing with Odoo S.A..
Incident and Query Management with Odoo S.A. regarding the Standard Odoo Database
mientras sea soportada por Odoo S.A. 

Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations from ITConsulting.
Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations, as long as they are supported by Odoo S.A. This includes addressing any localization-related issues that may arise in the software and ensuring that the localizations are compatible with the standard Odoo database.
Odoo Version Update/Migration Service, which involves updating the software to the latest version and migrating data from the previous version to ensure compatibility and continuity of service.  

Functional Support 
Assistance in Resolving System Usage Incidents 
Assistance in Providing Relevant System Usage Material, including documentation, guides, videos, and templates, to help users effectively and efficiently utilize the Odoo software
Asistencia en aclaración de dudas sobre cómo
usar el sistema.
Correction of Data in Specific Cases, which involves addressing data issues that have been previously identified and documented by the user.
Import/Update of User-Provided and Validated Data, which involves incorporating data provided by the user into the Odoo software, without performing quality/integrity control.
Payment Method
Annual subscription​ Monthly Payment
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment 
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment​


For the United States localization




It is recommended for

Companies with 1-5 users 6-20 users 20+ users
Level of customization ​​​​
Included hours package per year  10   hours 25    hours 50    hours
General features
New Developments / Customizations 

Ticket Management through Customer Portal
Customer Support via WhatsApp, Email and Videoconferencing 
Access to Help Forum
Access to Help Tutorials
Private List of Video Tutorials Tailored to Your Business  
Technical Support and Software Maintenance 
Account-Related Assistance, Licensing, Subscription, and Billing with Odoo S.A..
Incident and Query Management with Odoo S.A. regarding the Standard Odoo Database
mientras sea soportada por Odoo S.A. 

Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations from ITConsulting.
Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations, as long as they are supported by Odoo S.A. This includes addressing any localization-related issues that may arise in the software and ensuring that the localizations are compatible with the standard Odoo database.
Odoo Version Update/Migration Service, which involves updating the software to the latest version and migrating data from the previous version to ensure compatibility and continuity of service.  

Functional Support 
Assistance in Resolving System Usage Incidents 
Assistance in Providing Relevant System Usage Material, including documentation, guides, videos, and templates, to help users effectively and efficiently utilize the Odoo software
Asistencia en aclaración de dudas sobre cómo
usar el sistema.
Correction of Data in Specific Cases, which involves addressing data issues that have been previously identified and documented by the user.
Import/Update of User-Provided and Validated Data, which involves incorporating data provided by the user into the Odoo software, without performing quality/integrity control.
Payment Method
Annual subscription​ Monthly Payment
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment 
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment​


Localización España




It is recommended for

Companies with 1-5 users 6-20 users 20+ users
Level of customization ​​​​
Included hours package per year  10   hours 25    hours 50    hours
General features
New Developments / Customizations 

Ticket Management through Customer Portal
Customer Support via WhatsApp, Email and Videoconferencing 
Access to Help Forum
Access to Help Tutorials
Private List of Video Tutorials Tailored to Your Business  
Technical Support and Software Maintenance 
Account-Related Assistance, Licensing, Subscription, and Billing with Odoo S.A..
Incident and Query Management with Odoo S.A. regarding the Standard Odoo Database
mientras sea soportada por Odoo S.A. 

Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations from ITConsulting.
Resolution of Incidents Related to the Functioning of ITConsulting Localizations, as long as they are supported by Odoo S.A. This includes addressing any localization-related issues that may arise in the software and ensuring that the localizations are compatible with the standard Odoo database.
Odoo Version Update/Migration Service, which involves updating the software to the latest version and migrating data from the previous version to ensure compatibility and continuity of service.  

Functional Support 
Assistance in Resolving System Usage Incidents 
Assistance in Providing Relevant System Usage Material, including documentation, guides, videos, and templates, to help users effectively and efficiently utilize the Odoo software
Asistencia en aclaración de dudas sobre cómo
usar el sistema.
Correction of Data in Specific Cases, which involves addressing data issues that have been previously identified and documented by the user.
Import/Update of User-Provided and Validated Data, which involves incorporating data provided by the user into the Odoo software, without performing quality/integrity control.
Payment Method
Annual subscription​ Monthly Payment
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment 
Annual subscription
Monthly Payment​


​​ Bag of Hours Required: To access our development and customization services, it is essential to have sufficient hours available in your hour bag. If the estimated hours to complete the work exceed your current hours, you can purchase additional bags that fit your budget, allowing uninterrupted maintenance and development of your project. Más información 
  This feature provides you with a private list of tutorial videos and webinars tailored specifically to your company, including any training sessions that have been recorded during the Implementation process. All these resources will be available in this dedicated space, allowing you and your team to easily access and refer back to them as needed.
  El soporte técnico y mantenimiento del software no consume horas de su bolsa.
  Technical support and software maintenance do not consume hours from your bag, meaning you can receive these essential services without deducting from your available hours.
​  Odoo releases a new version every year, and updating allows you to enjoy the latest features and functionalities while preserving all your data and settings. It's important to note that the update process depends on the type of license and hosting of your Odoo instance.

Pay annually and save 1 month's worth of subscription fees.

For instance, if you choose the Silver package with the annual payment option, you would pay 225 x 11 = 2475, instead of the full price of 2700..

¿Any Questions?

If the answer to your question is not on this page, please feel free to contact one of our Odoo support specialists. Click to Contact Us.

ITConsulting's service is divided into SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE, which refers to all activities directly related to the functioning of the software, hosting security, and available version updates and migrations, and FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT, which refers to all activities directly related to the use of the software by the user. The scope for each category is described in the table of plans.

The monthly fee covers the combined services for software maintenance, functional support, and extended support. As part of our commitment to empowering businesses with Odoo, we include bags of hours to address any functional or customization and development needs. Therefore, if you consume the included bag of hours in your package, you can recharge it by purchasing a new bag of hours. This ensures that you can continue to receive the necessary support and assistance to make the most of your Odoo software.

For example, suppose you purchased the Silver package, paying 180 USD per month. At month 6, you have already consumed the 50 hours included in your package. You can then purchase an additional bag of hours, say 10 hours, and continue paying the 180 USD for the remaining 6 months until the year ends. At the end of the year, the support package's bag of hours automatically renews. If you had an outstanding balance of 5 hours from the additional bag of hours purchased during the first year, you would start the second year with 55 hours. This process continues each year you are subscribed to our packages, and any unused hours are accumulated for future use. Remember, your bag of hours never expires, so you can rest assured that any unused hours will be available for future needs.

Tus peticiones siempre se atenderán en orden de llegada. Al recibir una nueva solicitud, se añade a nuestra agenda de trabajo, tu necesidad será analizada por nuestros expertos para dimensionar el esfuerzo en horas requerido para su completitud, antes de ejecutar los trabajos, siempre se proporcionará al cliente una estimación, tanto del tiempo de realización, como de cuándo podría estar el trabajo finalizado. Si el cliente aprueba, estas horas serán deducidas de su bolsa y los desarrollos o integraciones a medida serán incorporados a su instancia de Odoo.

Contamos con un equipo de soporte, expertos en cualquier tema relacionado a Odoo disponible a través de Paquetes de Soporte. Los problemas de rendimiento o incidencias funcionales se manejan a través de la bolsa de horas asociada a su paquete, ya que generalmente no están relacionados con el código estándar de Odoo o desarrollos a medida autorizados por ITConsulting. Las causas más frecuentes incluyen: base de datos no ajustada a un uso específico, cuellos de botella de rendimiento en módulos personalizados o implementación sub-óptima. 

Nuestros tiempos de respuesta son de 24 a 48 horas en horario de 9:00 a 18:00 de lunes a viernes.

El tiempo de respuesta es el  tiempo  en  el  cual  se  notifica al cliente que estamos atendiendo su solicitud y se comienza  a  realizar  un  análisis  de  la  incidencia, ese  tiempo  no  supone  la  solución  de  la  misma. 

No todas las consultas pueden resolverse de inmediato mientras el especialista está en el chat o en una llamada por Google Meet. Algunas consultas requieren pruebas por parte de nuestros consultores y/o asistencia de nuestro departamento de desarrollo para resolverlas, incluso en ocasiones elevamos las consultas directamente a Odoo y toman un tiempo en darnos respuestas, ITConsulting  mantendrá a la persona de contacto designada actualizada sobre el estado de las consultas abiertas, de igual forma usted podrá revisar el estado de cada ticket o tarea en nuestro portal de clientes.

  1. Diseño/Desarrollo de nuevos Reportes/Formatos, modificación a Reportes/Formatos existentes. (*)
  2. Diseño/Desarrollo de nuevas Funcionalidades/Módulos/Aplicaciones, Personalizaciones e Integraciones (e.g., interfaces para conectar con otros sistemas), modificación a Funcionalidades/Módulos/Aplicaciones existentes. (*)
  3. Reinstalación/Reconfiguración de software por causas fuera del control de ITConsulting. (*)
  4. Incidencias que requieran que comprendamos y/o analicemos sus procesos/operaciones comerciales, para ayudarlos a implementar y/o configurar su base de datos Odoo. (*)
  5. Tareas relacionadas al Análisis/Auditoría/Corrección de su información. (*)
  6. Revisión de Calidad/Integridad de los datos. (*)
  7. Capacitación o recapacitación. (*)
  8. Servicios de consultoría por implementación, inteligencia de negocios o análisis de negocios. (*)
  9. Cualquier intervención en servidores propios, es decir Odoo On Premises.
  10. Cualquier intervención en cuentas de su propiedad en aplicaciones de terceros (e.g.,Facebook, Servidores de correo corporativos o personales, e.g:Gmail, Microsoft 365 , Pasarelas de pago, e.g: Stripe, FAC, BAC Credomatic, Paguelo Facil, BANPRO, Paypal, Ingenico, Authorize, Proveedores de transportes, e.g: UPS, Fedex, etc...)
  11. Atención de incidencias por fallas en los servicios de red y telecomunicaciones del cliente.
  12. Atención de incidencias provocadas por defectos o fallas en sistemas operativos, redes, bases de datos, respaldos, hardware, comunicaciones o dispositivos ajenos a los productos de ITConsulting.
  13. Cualquier actividad o tarea no descrita de manera explícita en este documento no está incluida.

(*) A menos que disponga de una bolsa de horas activa y el tiempo estimado para hacer dicha solicitud pueda ser cubierto, esto siempre será notificado al cliente para que lo autorice.